Autumn Term
Welcome back!
This term we are learning about The Shang Dynasty. Children will be exploring more about China, from ancient traditions to modern constructions. We will investigate how the building of a modern dam changed the landscape for some locals, children will also learn more about the inventions of the ancient Chinese. Our History lessons will look at the kings of the Shang Dynasty and how artefacts can tell us more about the people who lived under these rulers. Children will learn about daily life during the Shang Dynasty as well as exploring the writing of the time. Art will allow children to sketch traditional Chinese dragons as well as having a go a calligraphy. During DT sessions, children will learn more about kites. Where did they originate?, what were they used for? and what materials were they constructed from? Finally, they will design, build and evaluate their own kites.
Our English lessons this first half term are based around our focus text - Eragon. Children will complete a character description, a set of instructions and a piece of persuasive writing. After the October half-term break, children will be exploring the text - Holes. In this unit of study, children will complete formal and informal letters, a non-chronological report and an explanation text.
During the Autumn term, our Maths focus will be on Place Value and the Four Operations.