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Barcroft Primary School

Unlocking potential today for a brighter tomorrow

Barcroft Bank


Barcroft Bank is a school service which will allow the children from Year 1 to Year 6 be rewarded with 'Barcoins' which are our schools very own currency! In Autumn term 2024, the children will be earning ‘Barcoins’ for various things including the following:


Good to be Green
Attending school
Values Superstar Award
Star Reader Award
The Barcroft bank teaches the children about responsibility and the importance of saving money. The bank teaches the children about the value of money and demonstrates that hard work is rewarded.

Children can earn 5 Barcoins per day for staying Green all day and 5 for attending school. A total of 10 Barcoins are available per day.  


If the children are green all week and attend school all week (5 days) an extra 10 Barcoins are given on Friday so they can earn up to 60 Barcoins per week.


If the children are awarded a Visions and Values Award certificate in Celebration Assembly or a Star Reader Award certificate they earn an extra 10 extra Barcoins so it is possible you can earn 70 Barcoins a week.


Once the children receive their Barcoins, they have to keep them safe and then once a week they have a  scheduled time to visit the Bank and add the coins into their personal bank account.


A group of Year 5 children who are our Barcroft Bank clerks monitor the bank. They sit behind the computer and add the Bar coins onto an Excel spreadsheet next to each child's name each week. 




The Barcroft Shop opens every term meaning the children can use their Barcoins to buy something from the shop or save them for bigger items. There are a selection of things sold in the shop including:

  • pencils
  • rubbers
  • bouncy balls
  • torches
  • note pads









Children are also able to use their Barcoins for experiences with our GOLDEN TICKETS!

Welcome to our Barcroft Bank...

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