Year 2
Meet the Year 2 Team

Mrs Rayit, Miss Walker, Mrs Begum, Miss Price and Mrs Kaur welcome you to Spring term! We hope you enjoyed the half term and enjoyed spending quality time as a family. This next half term is full of interesting and fun activities for the children to take part in.
This half term our topic is ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. This is where children will learn all about the history of castles, their locations and their features.
In art children will be sketching and creating different pictures of castles with a range of tools.
In DT children will learn about cooking and how to make a vegetable stew!
Key information:
- PE days: Tuesdays and Fridays
- Homework and spellings are given out every Friday and should be returned by the following Friday .
- New spellings to learn each week
- Reading 5x per week
- English and Maths homework
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 team!