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Barcroft Primary School home page

Barcroft Primary School

Unlocking potential today for a brighter tomorrow

Home Learning

Home Learning

Every week your child will  receive a homework project. Please return these projects as they make part of your child’s learning journey and show the progress they make during the year. We also appreciate your feedback on these projects so we can make them more fun for you and your child to complete.


What can you see?

Picture discussion cards

Each week you will receive a picture card to share with your child. There are some questions to discuss. Encourage your child to talk about the picture and create their own story. Some cards come with a story card to read to your child before looking at the questions and picture together.


1000 stories

Each day, each week you can borrow a book from our school library to read to your child at bedtime. This is a great way to extend your child’s vocabulary.


To further support you child at home, below are some educational website that we hope you find useful. 


Maths - Underwater Counting is an interactive counting game involving counting the number of objects to 10. - Shape Patterns is a sequencing game where you need to complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. - Ladybird Spots includes counting, matching and ordering numbers games, which can help with learning to count and recognising the numbers and number words up to 10. - Teddy Numbers is an interactive counting game for young children. They can have fun learning to count up to 15 objects, through a simple drag and drop exercise.


Phonics - Practice the letter formation by following or drawing the letters freely. Can you find the letters that are in your name? Phonics bloom is a great way to listen to and match sound.  - Practise our Jolly Phonics sounds and songs.

Children Graphic