Year 1
Meet the Team

We are so excited to welcome you back to the new term. Here a few things to help start the term with a positive step:
- PE Days: Monday and Tuesday
- Pencil cases: we will be providing stationery this year, and you will not need a pencil case this year.
Given out each Thursday and returned by the following Tuesday. The homework sheets are glued into the children's homework books.
- 6 new spellings to learn each week on spelling shed. Logins for spelling shed can be found in the front of the children's homework books.
- Numbots is an app to improve number fluency. Logins can also be found in the front of the children's homework books.
- Reading 5x week.
- Maths task.
Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to contact us on Class Dojo if you have any questions or concerns.
The Year 1 Team