Spring Term
Spring 1
In the first half of Spring term, our topics cover:
- Colours of the rainbow (Wow, said the owl)
- Hansel and Gretel
- China & Chinese New Year
- The Gingerbread Man
- On the farm
During this half term, the children cover a variety of areas of learning. In the topic of colours of the rainbow, children will be exploring and investigating colours with paints, inks and coloured water.
After reading Hansel and Gretel, children will retell the story using finger puppets. Children will create a sweets collage to design the cottage in the story! Children will also explore kind and unkind scenarios from the story and share what they would do if they were a character from the story.
In the topic of China and Chinese New Year, children will explore our Chinese restaurant in our role play area. We will be listening to some traditional Chinese music and be learning some dragon dancing. We will even have a Chinese food tasting day!
After reading The Gingerbread Man, children will experiment with Gingerbread Man biscuits in water to investigate the changes in the water and the effects on Gingerbread Man. The children will then explore what they could do to save the character from the story using different materials. We will also be making and decorating some Gingerbread men.
Our final topic of the term is based on farm animals. This will include looking at animals that live on the farm, exploring the names of animal’s young and singing the popular nursery rhyme - Old Macdonald had a farm!
Spring 2
In the second half of Spring term, our topics cover:
- Spring and growing (The tiny seed)
- Spring and growing (Jasper’s Beanstalk)
- People who help us (Busy people: Police Cops and robbers/Busy people: Doctors)
- Easter
During this half term, children cover a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts as part of our curriculum offer.
In the spring and growing topic, children will talk about materials that are needed for a plant to grow and naming parts of a plant. Children will plant a seed and talk about what will grow and what it needs to grow. After reading Jasper’s Beanstalk, the children will also be retelling the story using the story and pictures as prompts.
During the weeks of exploring people who help us, we will talk about the important roles and what the children would like to be when they grow up. Children will be using a variety of books, dress up as police, nurses, firefighters and more to explore what they do to help us.
During our Easter week, we will be reading the story of Easter, taking part in a variety of fun craft activities and participating in a bonnet parade and an egg hunt! Easter Fun!