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Barcroft Primary School home page

Barcroft Primary School

Unlocking potential today for a brighter tomorrow

Year 5

Meet our Team!

We would like to showcase all the amazing things that we do in Year 5. Please click on the links on this page to see what we get up to!


Here are a few notices to help remind you of key events throughout the week:


  • PE days: (5JH)Wednesday and Thursday (5ME & 5JP) Tuesday and Thursday. Please bring in the correct kit (plain white t-shirt, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers/pumps)
  • Homework and Spellings: Given out on a Thursday to be returned on the following Monday.
  • Reading books and diaries to be exchanged as many times as possible throughout the week.



  • 10 new spellings to be learnt a week.
  • Reading 5x per week.
  • TT Rockstars as much as possible to improve fluency.
  • Full school uniform to be worn in school.


Thank you so much for the continued support. Please feel free to contact us on Class Dojo if you have any questions or concerns.


The Year 5 Team!

Children Graphic