Autumn Term
Mrs Rayit, Miss Walker, Mrs Parker, Miss Mason and Miss Jones welcome you to Autumn Term! We hope you enjoyed the summer break and enjoyed spending quality time as a family. This half term promises to be exciting and jam packed, full of interesting and fun activities for the children to take part in.
Important Dates:
PE is on:
Tuesday and Friday
- Toast is £1.25 per week which needs to be paid via Parent Pay.
- Please bring a coat to school every day as the weather is unpredictable.
- Every child has a Barcroft water bottle in school.
- Book Breakfast club, Buddies (after school club) and sport clubs via ParentPay.
This half term we are looking at a topic called “Wriggle and Crawl”. The children will be exploring different kinds of mini beasts and where you might find them. In Art we will be sketching a range of mini beasts and we will be creating some of our own out of clay. In Geography we will be exploring where we may find particular mini beasts in the UK and countries across the world.
This half term the children will be studying ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We will be looking at which things are living, not living or used to be living. We will also look at different habitats around the world and what makes a micro habitat. The children will also study what a food chain is and will have a go at creating some examples of food chains.
Religious Education
This half term the children will be learning about ‘A World of Festivals’. We will discuss and share examples of festivals that we may have celebrated ourselves and we will learn the ways in which different religions celebrate festivals.
The children will be continuing on the RWI
programme to develop their phonic knowledge.
The children will be learning set 2 and 3
sounds and reading words with these. The children will be reading a book at their level and learning the strategies to understand what they have read. Please support your child when hearing them read at home.
In PSHE the children will be learning about ‘Rights and Respect’. The children will be able to talk about their family, and people in the community. The children will understand why they need to take care of the school environment.
In Year 2 the children will be taught how to play the glockenspiel. They will build
up their musical skills around performing and composing together. They will sing songs to gain an understanding of pitch and use their bodies to recognise and show pulse through listening exercises.
In PE this half term the children will learn about:
- Awareness games
- Communication games
- Fundamental movements
- Gymnastics
Reading- Read the home reader regularly at home to develop fluency and expression and a love for books.
Spellings – Look, say, cover write. Practise spelling these words before the spelling test at school.
Timetables- Please practise counting in 10s, 5s and 2s.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 2 Team