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Barcroft Primary School

Unlocking potential today for a brighter tomorrow

Autumn Term

Autumn 1


This half term we will be looking at the following topics;

  • All About Me,
  • Owl Babies,
  • Minibeasts,
  • Little Red Hen,
  • Harvest and Autumn.


During All About Me, the children will paint a self-portrait discussing facial features and draw a picture of their family. The children will get creative during Owl Babies creating a collage of an owl and exploring with the puppets. In our Mini-beats topic, we will go on a mini-beast hunt and the students will complete a checklist of what mini-beasts they find.  In our Harvest topic, we will explore and discover how food is grown and harvested. Finally, our Autumn topic will explore how the world around us changes and explore colours and autumnal animals.


In Autumn 1, we have our two role plays which are the home corner and the fruit and veg shop which the students can use their imagination and develop their communication skills.

Our outdoor environment offers play in the mud kitchen, sand pit, water area, use of the trim trail and slide. The children have access to different resources and materials to get creative and become construction workers in our construction area.

Autumn 2


This half term we will be looking at the following topics;

  • Halloween,
  • Diwali,
  • Bonfire Night,
  • The Elves and the Shoe Maker,
  • Winter,
  • Christmas.


This term, we will explore and celebrate different festivals and events including Halloween, Diawli, Bonfire Night and Christmas where the children will explore different story books and complete fun activities. During our winter topic, we will explore the change in weather and how winter is different to summer and complete science experiments exploring ice and what happens when it melts.


In Autumn2, we have our two role plays which are the cafe and an outdoor grotto which the students can use their imagination and develop their communication skills.


Our outdoor environment offers play in the mud kitchen, sand pit, water area, use of the trim trail and slide. The children have access to different resources and materials to get creative and become construction workers in our construction area.

Children Graphic